Manville: Release

Effective April 28, 2016, the Manville Trust will require submission of an executed release prior to payment on claims. After accepting the offer on a claim you will be prompted to generate a release. Once you receive the executed release from the claimant simply upload it to the claim file. It will then be reviewed by CRMC and, once approved, the claim will automatically move into the payment queue.

Manville: eFiler

Effective March 1, 2016, the Manville Trust will no longer offer its “E-file” electronic filing option. All eClaims users currently using E-filing will be converted to hybrid filing (“H-filing”), which still permits electronic filing of claimant information. Using H-filing, users may complete the claim form electronically online and upload any required documents, just as with E-filing. The difference is that, using H-filing, a CRMC Claim Review Analyst will run the CDT valuation program in every case. Please be advised that, particularly in the initial period following this transition, review times will likely increase. However, CRMC has retained additional staff to assist in this effort and will work as quickly as possible to review your claim(s) in a timely manner.

Manville: MAP

The Manville Trust has reached its Maximum Annual Payment (MAP) amount for 2015. Therefore, any claim with a status of “Awaiting Offer Funding” will not receive payment until 2016. Claims at this status will be carried over to 2016 and placed at the head of the FIFO payment queue. Please refer to the 2002 TDP Section H.8 for further details.

Manville: FYI

The Manville Trust pro rata discussions are still underway between the Trustees and representatives of the beneficiaries.  An update will be posted as soon as discussions have been finalized.