In preparation for accepting Shook & Fletcher claims on Monday, June 3rd, the eClaims application will be unavailable from 12 PM ET on Friday May 31st until 7 AM ET Monday June 3rd. Please plan accordingly.
Category: eClaims Enhancements
We’ll post updates to our claims processing application ‘eClaims’ here.
All: Announcement – CRMC
CRMC will be implementing 2 Factor Authentication shortly. This adds an additional layer of security to all user accounts and thereby additional protections for each user of eClaims. This new feature, requires authentication beyond your username and password. The first time you log- in after implementation, the system will step you through the authentication process. Should you have questions/issues please email
All: CRMC has posted an updated eClaims user guide
CRMC has posted an updated eClaims user guide. Please click here to view that document.
e-Claims Enhancements 4-22-2021
CRMC recently added a feature to the claim page where users can print the claim form. You will notice an “expand and print” option at the top of the page. That will expand all sections where you entered information via a pop-up window and print the entire form. There is also an option to “expand all” which expands the sections. Next to each section that is expandable you will see a + sign. Clicking that option will expand that section for easier viewing. An updated user guide was also posted.
CRMC Enhancements 7/27/2020
CRMC is pleased to announce the implementation of significant enhancements to eClaims this past weekend. We have been working through these for some time and are excited to share them with you.
Deficiency Listing: This is a new page off the “Search” tab labeled “Deficiency Listing”. Law firm users can locate specific deficiencies by Trust. We added selection criteria we thought was most useful such as: Trust, deficiency type, deficiency code, claim status, and cat/level. Once you enter your criteria and the list of claims returns, you may download that list by selecting that option at the bottom of the page. A detailed explanation of how to use this page is included in the updated User Guide on page 42. We posted a list of Trust specific deficiencies to each Trust’s Documents tab for your reference.
Deficiency Tab: This is a new claim specific tab which displays any deficiencies currently pending on a claim. The deficiencies are broken into the following sections: POC Data, POC Required Documents, Exposure, and Medical. Each section has a link in its top right corner that will take you to further information. The user guide details the specifics for using the tab beginning on page 49.
Action Links: We replaced the prior one-character action links such as C for CDT to a list view. Hover your mouse over the green Actions box and a list of pages displays. Just scroll down to the page you would like to go to. See Figure 45 in the updated manual for additional information.
MV CDT: A change was made to the CDT Summary page to show if the claim meets the “medical” criteria. If the expected level is displayed as an L7 and the CDT level is an L7 that means the claim met the medical criteria. To see if there are non-medical deficiencies click on the explanation of level. If there is an issue with one of the following requirements it will show as a No on that page: SOE, SOL, Latency, exposure to Manville asbestos, etc.
Once you have had a chance to use these new features, please reach out if you have questions or would like us to consider adding additional features to a page. We hope you find these useful in tracking the status of claims within eClaims.
e-Claims Enhancements 03-03-2020
CRMC rolled out a bulk actions tool which allows users to perform an action for a list of claimIDs if their security allows for that action. This new feature hangs from the Claims tab and is labeled Bulk Actions. The actions that can be performed include: accept offers, reactivate and accept last offer, reactivate and elect re-review, withdraw or delete, remove claim from deferral, defer a claim, and elect recategorization. Permissions are based on the law firm user’s permissions for the particular Trust and the Trust’s requirements according to their individual TDP’s. The eClaims user guide has been updated and walks through this new feature in detail.
Recent eClaims Enhancements: 4/7/2019
Password Management and Deficiency notices
eClaims Enhancements
CRMC eClaims Enhancements November 2018
CRMC is committed to maintaining a quality and technically savvy claims processing system. Therefore, we have made significant enhancements to our system. You will notice these changes the next time you log into eClaims. We have enhanced our log in process and therefore, if you don’t remember your password you will need to reset it. Your firm’s user administrator(s) has the capability to do this for you or you can reach out to our help line either via telephone or via the user inquiry board. The following changes have been incorporated:
- All SSN’s within eClaims have been masked so that only the last 4 digits appear on each screen and reports available through our system.
- A law firm identifier has been added to many pages within the application. This allows your firm to associate a claimant with your firm’s internal identifier. You may search for a claimant using that identifier once you have added it to our system. This can be accomplished via CRMC’s web services tool. If you firm is not a web services user, you may provide a list to us in excel format and we will add the identifiers for you. Please email that information to Web services has been updated to allow for this search using the FindClaim method.
- The log in/log out feature has been enhanced. Be certain to log out of your session when you are not working in eClaims to maintain security of your connection.
- Claim representative information is now located on the claim page.
- We have added a new action link on the most frequently used pages. This new link is labeled with an “F” and will take you directly to the claim documents tab. This will save you time when trying to review/upload document information.
- The message board has been revamped with more improvements to come.
- Message board notices may now be received in a report format via email. Each user administrator at the firm will have access to a new page within eClaims. It is located on the Admin tab under notifications. There are two different types of notifications that you can enable email for: Message Board Notifications and Time Sensitive Notifications. The user administrator determines the frequency of these notices and the day of the week they are to be sent. For each law firm user you want to receive notifications this provides the flexibility to determine which type of notices they receive. Time sensitive notices are notices of expirations that are occurring over the next 30 days. You will also see an eClaims Notification section where you can configure which users receive emails associated with important notices posted to our website. This enhancement allows all selected users to receive notifications not just the user administrator(s) with the firm.
- The eClaims user manual has been updated to reflect and describe each of the changes listed above.
Future enhancements
Stay tuned for additional enhancements. We have added a new tab to our announcements section for eClaims enhancements.
All: CRMC System Enhancement – Recategorization Option Clarification
CRMC has re-defined the prior Recategoriztion Option on the Offer status page for all Trust clients. You will now have two options:
1) Recategorization – POC needs to be amended or
2) Recategorization – Ready for CRMC Review.
This was previously a two step process where you were required to log your recategorization request and then move the claim forward for processing on the claim page once any claim amendments were complete.