NARCO: Claims Processing Updates Related to Timing of Submission for Proof of Personal Representative’s Official Capacity

eClaims has been updated to allow claims to be reviewed for exposure, medical and statute of limitations purposes and receive an offer prior to the submission of the appropriate Certificate of Capacity documentation. To the extent Certificate of Capacity documentation is required, any offer on the claim is contingent upon receipt of both the signed release and the appropriate Certificate of Capacity documentation. The claim will not be paid until the appropriate Certificate of Capacity documentation is provided. 

NARCO: Update to Trust’s Policy on Proof of Personal Representative’s Official Capacity for Deceased Claimants

The NARCO Trust has revised its policy on acceptable documentation for proof of the personal representative’s official capacity for deceased claimants. The NARCO Trust will continue to accept Letters Testamentary/Letters of Administration or other proof of the personal representative’s official capacity as provided or allowed by applicable state law.  Alternatively, the NARCO Trust will now accept the submission of the Affidavit of Decedent’s Representative and the Law Firm/Attorney’s Representation Affirming Official Representative’s Authority as proof of the personal representative’s official capacity.  To be clear, submitting one form and not the other form will not be sufficient – both forms must be submitted to satisfy the requirement.  The forms for the Affidavit of Decedent’s Representative and the Law Firm/Attorney’s Representation Affirming Official Representative’s Authority can be found on the NARCO Trust’s Documents Page.

NARCO: Revised Releases

The NARCO Trust has revised its releases to include a certification regarding the payment and/or resolution of certain Medicare related obligations. These revisions are made in accordance with the Amended Buyout Agreement approved by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania on December 8, 2022. Please see the NARCO Trust’s Documents Page for the revised releases. The revised releases apply to all releases received after January 30, 2023.

All: Announcement – CRMC

CRMC will be implementing 2 Factor Authentication shortly. This adds an additional layer of security to all user accounts and thereby additional protections for each user of eClaims. This new feature, requires authentication beyond your username and password. The first time you log- in after implementation, the system will step you through the authentication process. Should you have questions/issues please email

NARCO: NARCO Asbestos Trust Notice of Holders of Annual Contribution Claims Timing of Payments

The NARCO Asbestos Trust (the “Trust”) will pay holders of Annual Contribution Claims on a monthly basis starting in August 2021 as a result of the Trust’s receipt of dividends paid on the Trust’s holdings of 79% of the stock of Harbison Walker International (“HWI”) and from investments of the dividends.

When the Trust exhausts those funds, the Trust will pay holders of Annual Contribution Claims based on the schedule and process in Section 2.3 (c) of the NARCO Asbestos Trust Agreement.