
CET: Deadline

The C.E. Thurston & Sons Asbestos Trust has revised section 7.1(a)(2) of the TDP to extend the deadline for filing unexpired, prepetition claims from March 31, 2009 to November 16, 2009 as follows:
If a claim was not barred by the applicable statute of limitations at the Petition Date, it will be treated as timely filed if it is actually filed with the Trust within three (3) years after the Initial Claims Filing Date, i.e. if filed by November 16, 2009.
To see the complete revised TDP, click on the following link – Trust Distribution Procedures, Revision 1b.

Manville: Policy

The Manville Trust changed its policy with respect to requiring a SSN for claimants exposed in the United States.   This position was based on a legal opinion that individuals without SSN’s who were exposed to Johns-Manville asbestos in the United States may file a claim against the Trust. This can occur in unusual instances, such as when a claimant is a foreign citizen who worked temporarily in the United States.  Claimants in such circumstances are subject to increased evidentiary requirements to support their asbestos exposure allegations.   If you are an electronic filer you will receive a notice via the message board indicating that a MV-Exposure Document is required.  Examples of evidence that would be sufficient for meeting this requirement would include:  work history records, deposition materials, affidavits, etc.  Furthermore, claimant duplicate checking continues using the claimant’s first name, middle initial, last name and date of birth.

Manville: POC

An updated version of the Manville Trust claim form is now available. The main change to the form is that additional exposure information is required for bystanders. This has been posted on the Manville Documents Tab P.
An updated version of the Manville Trust SOE affidavits are now available. The exposure section has been updated to capture some additional information. This has been posted on the Manville Documents Tab S.