CRMC is pleased to announce the implementation of significant enhancements to eClaims this past weekend. We have been working through these for some time and are excited to share them with you.
Deficiency Listing: This is a new page off the “Search” tab labeled “Deficiency Listing”. Law firm users can locate specific deficiencies by Trust. We added selection criteria we thought was most useful such as: Trust, deficiency type, deficiency code, claim status, and cat/level. Once you enter your criteria and the list of claims returns, you may download that list by selecting that option at the bottom of the page. A detailed explanation of how to use this page is included in the updated User Guide on page 42. We posted a list of Trust specific deficiencies to each Trust’s Documents tab for your reference.
Deficiency Tab: This is a new claim specific tab which displays any deficiencies currently pending on a claim. The deficiencies are broken into the following sections: POC Data, POC Required Documents, Exposure, and Medical. Each section has a link in its top right corner that will take you to further information. The user guide details the specifics for using the tab beginning on page 49.
Action Links: We replaced the prior one-character action links such as C for CDT to a list view. Hover your mouse over the green Actions box and a list of pages displays. Just scroll down to the page you would like to go to. See Figure 45 in the updated manual for additional information.
MV CDT: A change was made to the CDT Summary page to show if the claim meets the “medical” criteria. If the expected level is displayed as an L7 and the CDT level is an L7 that means the claim met the medical criteria. To see if there are non-medical deficiencies click on the explanation of level. If there is an issue with one of the following requirements it will show as a No on that page: SOE, SOL, Latency, exposure to Manville asbestos, etc.
Once you have had a chance to use these new features, please reach out if you have questions or would like us to consider adding additional features to a page. We hope you find these useful in tracking the status of claims within eClaims.