The NARCO Trust has revised its policy on acceptable documentation for proof of the personal representative’s official capacity for deceased claimants. The NARCO Trust will continue to accept Letters Testamentary/Letters of Administration or other proof of the personal representative’s official capacity as provided or allowed by applicable state law. Alternatively, the NARCO Trust will now accept the submission of the Affidavit of Decedent’s Representative and the Law Firm/Attorney’s Representation Affirming Official Representative’s Authority as proof of the personal representative’s official capacity. To be clear, submitting one form and not the other form will not be sufficient – both forms must be submitted to satisfy the requirement. The forms for the Affidavit of Decedent’s Representative and the Law Firm/Attorney’s Representation Affirming Official Representative’s Authority can be found on the NARCO Trust’s Documents Page.
Manville: Asbestos Claims Research Facility
Effective July 1, 2023, the Asbestos Claims Research Facility has closed its physical location in Aurora, CO. Throughout the COVID-19 period, CRMC has investigated ways to provide services to its research facility clients without the added expense of travel costs. The facility is now positioned to remotely handle all client requests. Please continue contacting the facility by email at
MLC: Web Services
CRMC would like to announce that we are now accepting claim filings via Web Services for the MLC Trust. We have developed Web Services for MLC to meet the needs of high volume filers looking to file MLC claims.
To utilize this service we require users to demonstrate an ability to perform some basic tasks with our development system. If you are interested please send an email to for more information.
MLC: Simplebatch
Simplebatch is now available for MLC. For further information please see
MLC: MLC Trust Claims Filing Announcement
CRMC will begin accepting claims for the Motors Liquidation Trust (MLC Trust) on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 6:00 AM ET.
If your law firm has not provided your Hybrid Filer Agreement and User Administrator (UA) letter you will not have access to file claims until you do. Those documents should be emailed to If your firm has provided documents, the designated User Administrator has been given permissions. They will set up the appropriate users at the firm. Please reach out to your firm’s UA before reaching out to us if you don’t see MLC in the drop-down.
NARCO: Average and Maximum Values
A notice was posted regarding the average and maximum values. [Please see the NARCO Trust’s Documents Page for the current values.]
NARCO: Revised Releases
The NARCO Trust has revised its releases to include a certification regarding the payment and/or resolution of certain Medicare related obligations. These revisions are made in accordance with the Amended Buyout Agreement approved by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania on December 8, 2022. Please see the NARCO Trust’s Documents Page for the revised releases. The revised releases apply to all releases received after January 30, 2023.
NARCO: Notice of Buyout Agreement Closing
MLC: Filing Documents
The law firm filing documents have been added to the MLC documents tab. Please execute and return to Donita Snow at Since we have been conducting payments for MLC these are the only two required documents.
MLC: Claims Processor
CRMC is pleased to announce we will be the processor for the Motors Liquidation Trust (MLC). We are working on updating eClaims to accommodate Trust claims and will keep you posted on our progress. You will need new filing documents for the Trust and we will let you know once they are available on our website.