C.E. Thurston & Sons Asbestos Trust:The C.E. Thurston & Sons Asbestos Trust  POC has been updated to reflect the following changes.  The changes are:
— in page 7, changing “Son’s” to “Sons”
— in Page 15 revising the beginning of the Diagnosed Injuries section.  Revised POC form Proof of Claim Form – Rev.

CET: Deadline

The C.E. Thurston & Sons Asbestos Trust has revised section 7.1(a)(2) of the TDP to extend the deadline for filing unexpired, prepetition claims from March 31, 2009 to November 16, 2009 as follows:
If a claim was not barred by the applicable statute of limitations at the Petition Date, it will be treated as timely filed if it is actually filed with the Trust within three (3) years after the Initial Claims Filing Date, i.e. if filed by November 16, 2009.
To see the complete revised TDP, click on the following link – Trust Distribution Procedures, Revision 1b.